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Swetha’s PCOS Transformation Story

Today, I’d like to you to meet BBR Member Swetha.

She’s the perfect example of how at BBR, we care about more than just your physical goals. We want you to be healthy and happy in every aspect of your life! 

See, there were a couple things that Swetha was having a hard time with when she first approached BBR…. 

Swetha struggled with: 

➡️ Her negative relationship with food and her tendency to use food to cope with her emotions.  

➡️ PCOS, or polycystic ovary syndrome, which is a hormonal imbalance that affects 10% of women worldwide. Managing weight gain is especially important for individuals with PCOS. 

➡️ Consistency. “I would start something new every couple days and then just give up. Consistency was a big issue for me. I did not have someone to hold me accountable.” -Swetha.

She knew she wanted to make a change and to improve her quality of life. That’s what led her to BBR! 🙌

Swetha admits that at first, she was a little skeptical because she’d tried many health and fitness plans with no luck… 

Right after joining, those doubts faded away and she was amazed at the way our Coaches worked with her to set up a plan that fit her lifestyle: 

“One of the first things that Coach Natalie did was to give me a personalized plan with the calorie deficit I should follow and the macros that I should be eating so I can feel good in my body, and that shocked me.” 

Another thing that shocked Swetha was that she was actually eating MORE on this plan than she was before… and she was still losing weight! 

Eating the right amount of calories gave Swetha more energy to do her workouts and helped her feel less depressed than she was before. 

Swetha says that she started seeing results within the first couple weeks, and realized that they were more than just physical: 

“It was more serious about dealing with my emotional issues or emotional eating which was the biggest, biggest problem that I had.” 

But don’t take it from me. Listen to Swetha herself here:

We are SO proud of how far Swetha has come. Helping women achieve transformations like this is exactly what I wanted when I created BBR… 

For years, I had been struggling with diets and fitness. I lost and gained weight all my life but it never stuck because I never fixed the relationship I had with food

Your mental and emotional health play a huge role in your overall health and fitness and so a key part of our program is making sure you have healthy habits physically, mentally, and emotionally.. 

We’re going to come up with a personalized plan that isn’t just focused on losing weight, it’s going to focus on the reasons you couldn’t lose weight in the first place… 

You can have the perfect diet, the perfect fitness plan, the perfect weight loss plan… 

But if you don’t fix your mindset, you won’t see sustainable weight loss. You’re just going to stay stuck in the yo-yo diet cycle that I was trapped in for years. 

Ready to fix your mindset and lose weight? 

Apply for 1:1 coaching with BBR before spots fill up!

We want to give you the kinds of results that Swetha saw that transform all areas of your life! ❤️

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